[求助]誰會用Visual C++ 把謝好的程式存成.EXE的執行檔呢- MyChat 數位 ... 誰會用VISUAL C++ 把謝好的程式存成.EXE的執行檔呢誰可以教我一下呢感激不進 不是要.cpp的唷這應該不算灌水吧,MyChat,數位男女,論壇,討論 ...
如何讓執行檔在沒有灌VC的電腦執行? / Visual C++ / 程式設計俱樂部 另外在build 選項中可以在選win32 (unicode) release minsize 因為一般預設是 win32 debug 版本所以檔案會大超多 你選這個後檔案會小很多但是可能會出現 ...
如何將dll與執行檔包在一起? / Visual C++ / 程式設計俱樂部 各位大大: 小地的問題如題,我自己寫了一各dll,在別的地方要用,但是每次要到 別人的電腦執行就得 dll一起帶過去,在vc6裡面有沒有辦法把要的dll檔都包起來,就 ...
How to: Debug an Executable Not Part of a Visual Studio Solution Sometimes, you may want to debug an executable that is not part of a Visual Studio project. It may be an executable you created outside of Visual Studio or an executable you ...
Visual C++: Creating an Executable (.exe) File (2010) - YouTube http://xoax.net/ Lesson Page: http://xoax.net/cpp/crs/visualcpp/les... For this C++ tutorial, we demonstrate how to create an executable (.exe) file in Visual C++ 2010 that you can transfer to other machines and run independently of Microsoft Visual Studi
visual c++ - Why is ntdll.dll crashing my c++ executable? - Stack Overflow I am having trouble to get a Visual C++ executable to work, the app crashes , here is what I have seen in the event viewer. Faulting application name: submit.exe, version:, time stamp: ... It's almost certainly not ntdll.dll crashing your executab
Visual Studio Express - C++ Tutorials - cplusplus.com - The C++ Resources Network Visual Studio Express Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop is a tool from Microsoft that integrates a development interface and the toolchains needed to compile a variety of programming languages. It is a reduced version of Visual Studio available as
Redistributing Visual C++ Files Title Description Redistributing Components By Using Merge Modules Describes how to use Visual C++ redistributable merge modules to install the Visual C++ runtime libraries as shared DLLs in the %windir%\system32\ folder. Redistributing Visual C++
鐵櫃不上鎖: 如何讓Visual C++的exe檔也能在未安裝VS下的環境執行 2011年10月1日 ... 未安裝VS者,可安裝Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 可轉散發套件(x86). 解決方法二:. 針對"專案"按右鍵選擇[ ...
了解Visual C++ 應用程式的相依性 - MSDN - Microsoft ... 功能表並選擇[屬性] 以開啟[屬性頁] 對話方塊)。您也可以使用Dependency Walker (depends.exe),更全面性地了解相依性。